Female graffiti and street artists —”Street Heroines” a documentary by Alexandra Henry
There are still areas that remain male-dominated; situations in which women aren’t as widely represented as their male counterparts. When it comes to the fascinating world of graffiti and street art this is an issue that is all-too familiar to female artists.
Alexandra Henry is an American photographer and producer who aims to bring the struggle of sexism in art to life through her first documentary: “Street Heroines“. Not only does she get to share her own story, but also those of 25 other female street-artists.
The film is a documentary piece on the courage and creativity of female graffiti & street artists from around the world. Throughout her travels between São Paulo and NY, Henry became fascinated and influenced by Brazilian street-art and its culture. She is inspired to readjust her focus by getting to know other women; all with different back-stories, but all sharing the same similar interests and love towards street-art and graffiti.
It was also through this filming that Henry became more involved in the political activism that existed among the South American female street artists. The film offers an overall focus on the Americas with many of the women interviewed originating from countries such as Mexico, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina and Chile; all with their different associations of graffiti and their own socioeconomic realities. It is also worth mentioning that “Street Heroines” is opening the path to include stories from women coming from other areas across the world. The very core of the project is to expand its boundaries as an international movement.
Each of their personal stories is unique. Their observations clearly reveal the struggle for creative space and a lack of recognition faced by women working within this male-dominated subculture. With more and more women leaving their mark on the movement, “Street Heroines” pays long overdue tribute to their contributions and reflects a global shift in perspective of who we are as a society. The film aims to be an empowering love letter towards female artists from all over the world, an acknowledgement of their hard work and their importance in the war against sexism.
Visit the link below to help taking “Street Heroines” project to the next steps: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/274344236/street-heroines
Artists interviewed so far included: Abusa Crew (Chile), Anarkia (Brazil), Alice Mizrachi (NYC), BLN Bike (Ecuador), Danielle Mastrion (Brooklyn), ELLE (NYC), Fio Silvia (Argentina), Fusca (Mexico) GILF! (Brooklyn), Lady Pink (NYC), LEGS (Los Angeles), Lexi Bella (Brooklyn), Lili Cuca (Colombia), Magrela (Brazil) Martha Cooper (Photographer NYC) Miss 163 (The Bronx) MO (Ecuador) Nube (Puerto Rico) Shiro (Japan) Toofly (NYC / Ecuador) TXAR (Spain) Tysa (Mexico) Vanessa Rosa (Brazil) Vera Primavera (Ecuador) Vero Rivera (Puerto Rico)
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Can’t wait to see the finished project!!