Ancient Rome Men’s Hairstyles: Timeless Trends

This exploration uncovers the rich tapestry of Ancient Roman hair trends, offering a window into the lives of men within the grandeur of the Roman Empire. These styles were not solely about appearances; they narrated stories of status, society, and spirituality. Exploring the historical narrative of Ancient Rome, we uncover the men’s hairstyles that have […]

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1920s Fashion for Men: A Glimpse into the Roaring Twenties

Step back in time to the exhilarating era of the 1920s fashion for men, where glitz, glamour, and style took center stage. Known as the “Roaring Twenties,” this transformative decade was characterized by newfound freedoms and a cultural shift that impacted every aspect of society. As the aftermath of World War I faded into the […]

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Iconic 90s Men’s Fashion and Hairstyles: A Nostalgic Journey

The 90s marked an unforgettable epoch in men’s fashion and hairstyling, defined by a fascinating amalgamation of styles that ranged from grunge to preppy, to the influences of hip-hop and pop culture. It was a dynamic decade for men’s fashion, characterized by a mix of minimalism, grunge, and streetwear influences. In this article, we will […]

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Shattered Illusions: Donyale Luna & Gia Carangi, and Their Lasting Influence in Fashion

The world of fashion is a dynamic crucible of innovation, perpetually redefining beauty, style, and the essence of glamour. It is a world where unique individuals often emerge as paradigm shifters, leaving indelible marks on the industry. Two such luminaries, Donyale Luna and Gia Carangi, influence as supermodels defied conventional perceptions of beauty during their […]

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Before Fierce: Remembering Fashion Illustrator Tony Viramontes

An Amazonian woman draped in exotic materials stands before him trying to change her pose as rapidly as the young artist finishes another drawing. His vibrant eyes move over the model capturing more than the newest fashion in which she is adorned; he is able to put on the page a bold and palpable as […]

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Meant for Beautiful People, Stephen Sprouse Collections

Mauricio and Roger Padilha of MAO PR are the co-authors of the best-selling “The Stephen Sprouse Book” by Rizzoli, 2009. Their affair with Stephen Sprouse started as a teenage love and continued through the decades. The two brothers are the owners of the largest collection outside of Stephen Sprouse’s personal archive. –Interview by Natalie Kates […]

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